Saturday, September 26, 2015

Unbolt a Dahlia

I sweat to swelter to feel your grief. I felt for it, a shelter
of darkness, a shivering phantom. If only to speak it, a
terrified fantast, to swivet your name. I panic to feel
you, ever for color, to whisper silence. Ours is opaque,
to whisk upon spirit, and never for gamble; and his eyes,
tipsy to see it, filled with passion. Is it vatic, a sudden
knowledge, to smartly grow? I’m daymare knots, photic
spurts, attempting to run; but it comes, growing wildly,
and speaking urges. I surge through smaze, to morph
through prose, a rose for an attic. We weaved it, a pair of
wraiths, steady at a helm. I lost you in a thought, ever to
walk a vista, where particles appeared. I can’t explain it,
looking for cheerful, pulled by a new coming. We sew a
vat, to fill with liquor, a tad bit ludic. Such afar, and
letting go, where spirits roam. I’m melic, for ontic,
peering into physics; thus, for buoyant, to grackle a smile,
to lose a thought; and more to welcome, for mental sight,
a lithic scroll. 

I’d Save The Reader Years

    The beat becomes sickness. A long crucible—a drilling ecstasy. I was losing focus, feeling forbidden, if to self, if to mirrors. So curs...