Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Eons of Footage



To capture visuals in words. To write a tome.

The mysterious wire between parallels.

Care training. 

Life as irony. Any given craft will induce suffering. 

To thaw out emotion is a rougher ride. 

Progress has been motion; we still conjure up schisms. 

We debate what love looks like: this might be a triumph. 

We spend time—soul weaponizing; we adore until we clutch our guts. Deeper ambition, mesmerized by religiosity.  




The human quest is ikigai. We long amid myriad stimuli. 

Such mystery; captured prayers, drifting towards cosmic ears. 

Softer soil; a sort of everything in nothingness; a sullen celebration. 

I wonder if God has a shadow. The sweetness of systematic mathematics; native arts, or reminiscent of gaslighting. 

Either allow greatness, or step on greatness. Tender falsities. A mind must move. This is how it finds life. 

Existence is ironic wisdom. To select artistry demands endurance.


  The artist has gone to a space. To listen to her song stirs spirits. A man of virtue, a woman with pride, shall die in this song:  Truth I...