Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Gray Clouds



I don’t know what to reveal, holding breath, fretting alienation. I was close to one, a phantom of the many. It’s just a guess, sometimes it feels righteous. I keep repeating a name, sensing a wraith, rethinking blessings. A person must Houdini his mind, every moment refurnishing perceptions. Love was flustered. It seems to be a bigger part of life. I need to expect humanity, as opposed to struggling over ideals. Life requires more time. Its not meant for us at this juncture. Life requires more time. I was smitten, debating with self, too exhausted to numerate facts. 


  The artist has gone to a space. To listen to her song stirs spirits. A man of virtue, a woman with pride, shall die in this song:  Truth I...