Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Where Complex Knows Mystic

infused by deserts, such abandoned loses, while appearance makes cleanness; those dreams unraveled by sweet kindness to share as one amazed; while never by compassion this valley of captives our chains unfastened while we have but survival; this wresting machine this screaming prophet where many are lavishing rumors; to explore damages is to shed tears while one remains unclean; this fever plus anxiety this angst plus desire while we see unclearly; to accept violence something spearing soul-body where victims are apologizing; but favor for loses or anguish for winning where something over-there is dishonest honesty.

would to life your value in this tasteless parade where a person is never incorrect; our families following our awesomeness our bad behavior seen as good while vile behaviors are commended; it becomes delusional while one might appear where vinegar is ousted.

aquatic beginnings, our wilder wings, where many are meant for the weekend;
dramatic insistent as retraumatized souls insomuch as loving the root of disgusts; those keystone pains, those miserable windfalls, while exotic flowers flourish, nonetheless; our refilmed psychologies our baffling understanding or our underestimated empathy; so
encouraged but pictureless or so emphatic but absent while finding self might destroy innocence; those altered memories this chasm in perception while some are given free reign; indeed, such dissonance, for conceptions are rivaling, while jitters are appearing; but a psychic dilemma but sugarberries as poison but rights to perceive uncleanness; this complaining segment this visual issue while it must feel like hell to make an appearance; such dusty eyelashes
            while gripping unfulfillments or attempting to enjoy an orgasm; this interior landmark as an aging antique while realism has become its militia.

we expand our feelings so treacherously enlove or needing something in spirit; as mini-gods so tender our chorus or such value for a phantom; to die entrenched or accursed where blue-jade becomes our skies; such intuition such idyllic curses while it drives a man by deaths; those hypnotic brains our rich concentration while attempting at something legendary; mental imprints or deeper sympathies while electric too much to fuel depression; but there she resides while asking questions where a thought shifts a galaxy; as hungering harps or doting hearts so devastated but determined; to ache for one in sheer distressors so low so found or lost unknowingly; but apple eyes or pomegranate lips or pouty curious palms; so flawless those years while now a pure human while one needs to believe in humanity; an effulgent countenance and cheery glow by which something inside is clear; our unconvicted consciences made viable through work while a man jumping-jacks his aporia—those picturesque emotions as afforded a striking glance while so beautiful an addiction made romance.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...