Friday, December 27, 2019

Human Religion

tire of religion while frightened feeling weakened by instincts.

by fount by water encased in frailness so hardened by resistance; it isn’t but happenstance, it is more the pain, or such shameful refection. if but to die this sequence if but to arrive earlier with little thread upon our interior. those scarlet whispers upon scarlet tears or such crimson sweat.

we have dyed spirituality as down-casted winners while yoga is hard to defeat; to besprinkle a man to innertube his heart or to deflate the zealot; such theologians wrestling with science while many are afraid of evidence; but a crying banshee those iron chains where each link speaks human endeavor; but not to frighten, even further, where we can’t account for mental (upper) hemispheres; this ether participation or this energized transmitter or such rubescent visions; the poet is mad, for most percentage defined, while others are held by doubt; indeed, mental mechanics, psychosomatic occurrence, or plain under-studied phenomenon. such placed upon the numen, our desire to need something special, or our craving to feel something irremovable:

this hostile environment or this yogic/mystic realm where sheer panic befalls un-supervision; those ancient seers this cryptic shaman or a young lad raised in modern cultic families; these definitions we give God these demands we assert where we lay monopoly at a given text: so zealous so argumentative or such intellectual languishing. I have chased for decades measured by reflection where some are too powerful to deny—plus, they are anti-religion.

a terrifying thought, to understand folly, or to channel too high to see. it seems segue, each pattern to paths, where rich seekers appreciate unknowingness; however, many are privy to numen, many are compatible with fire, while too many are pleased with increments.

this essence is fiddly; for religiosity is unruled whiled often authoritarian; thus, many speak about spirituality, this outlet, absent of coercion; indeed, above is a contradiction, another idea or planet, while unruled doesn’t seem to fit; notwithstanding, something is ruled by singularity, while we have witnessed plurality, indeed, we have seen violence.

yoga is winning;
in this compass we identify while theologians are maintaining or shepherding disturbance; plus, we have religion in battle where mystics are too unruly and pure assertion is under investigation; we also see tradition our communal ubiquity while we must tackle universal suffering.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...