Saturday, December 7, 2019

Ideals are More Than Mirages

…so many mirrors as time languishes while so remote to you; class A rain or B+ anguish while carrying strongly; those hilarious seconds one so consumed not knowing Love adores dying; this seesaw agility those born to create where Love might if death prevails; but daughters and laws where some respect neither; nor were lights bleeding, and feeling so stagnant, while needing something spiritual; however we live as cavalier warriors while losing and switching perception—to analyze like living to presume like running if but some type of balance; while Love is detriment and Love cleaned the castle where none of this is new anymore; this familiar couch those familiar blinds and this familiar intimacy; a man with problems looking for newness in an age bracket claiming experience; if but to alert our daughters to something so true—to marry while in college: it aches better it bleeds silver it dies with passion; too much experience is deaths and so little experience is happiness while some of us have been drug beneath sewers; but Love is something a feeling and Love knows karate while we get lost in spiritual warfare; to give up life to sing in essence while controlled by something endless—this black son this purple revelation where many are stranded—looking into houses relighting candles where patience becomes its reward….

I museum us watching cartoons fly so lost in something where feelings are estranged; this fueling fever those easy targets while asking for damnation; our so clever minds our liquified hearts at something needing newness; our responsibility in such as grayness to entertain daily; but something does exist something so tender while souls are weary of eternity; such salt in you, while teaching me, where for the right person tales are extraordinary; this scope this insecurity or this fragile ass science; with nothing to grip with everything to lose and living such an imbalance; to forget at times, or to resent the love we law, where we realize such the dynamic; our kingdom suffering violence, the violent coming by force, where Love is ecstatic to sense war; but a journal of wilder events but darkness and satisfaction so close while something great has taken place; our young souls our endless battle to awaken and suggest, I want you.

It was disappointment in her, to sense a new adventure, and now it has become resentment; this pain we live it becomes our joy while tourist are surfing for pleasures; this woman with riches so inclined by linguistics and so well-traveled; to sink into oblivion to need another excitement while days would be arguments and more wines; an actuating promise a man running low where something was once idealized; this thing we lose coming into fires while ice sprinkles from synaptic gaps; this special location, this spiritual location, while it only converses its nature; as a woman has a child a man births a scream where something familiar needs a few tender nuances. I have lost more than many; I have premises for loses, and I yearn to win. This man with issues, but close to sanity, while realized as once a bit lost; the criterion for sanity, this touchstone for returning, where they first die before outliving your grief; vehicle conflict to become obsessed while people are asking about you; but it seems so real it appeals to semi-sanity while actuality points towards a hospital. Our days judging justice, our javelin jousts, our jigsaw jungle—so cured in this fantasy to become so indebted to love like penguins.

I have little more to say, as supposed we have so much to say, and this line of thought is getting depressing; to say so little where so much is uplifting at a particular miracle; something most would suggest, as fantasies come true, where a strong woman backs Obama.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...