Sunday, December 22, 2019

Under Deconstruction

Those inclusive years as building each other thereinto becoming an agent; partial slavery or anti-inhumanity while cleaving to acceptance; running backroads or hopping trains but funning over losing his life; such fair white flesh to arrive into his mind where ethics were sacrificed for pleasures; this daughter war those family disgusts at treasuries to have become an agent:

our ruined guts this trickle of vomit our bubbly stomachs; those ganja years sincerely absent where dung was passed off as a magnum opus.

To delay feelings a man might go numb where onlookers are offended; it has become a problem those mechanics while a touch anti-social; indeed, traits mean so little, especially, to unsuspecting persons, where, in actuality, traits should, and shall, account for a great deal; we see a method, in this vacuum of tendencies, where three for a given group of points, identifies us.

            Please read into it.

It was bars plus tar plus feathers; it was hangman by chains plus intestines.

Our minds are evaporating—something deep is agitated—where baser instincts take precedence; but hibiscus or soil, but reaper or obedience, but family or freedom.

Those resting stops where thoughts are clear but something desires more out of existence; such felt whips while looking yonder to discount appearances; but a vessel in this chasm but dreams affixed to failures or so high up reality is suffocating emotion; such holy garments plus a talisman-sutra but days are spent administering division; our minds shunning actuality, our guts numbing acidities, or patience too difficult to sustain; such yelling frenzy such repayment for love while morals register pain-points.

So, we preach to choirs we stand naked we suffer our inheritance; a group in disarray, a powerful organic beauty, but only a few are listening; a group faced by fears in a land pleasing its economics while a few are intertwined; as a world discounts years or sees pleasure while mutuality negotiates its terms; to evince to a man something other than what he sees where it should seem impossible; our preachers upchucking existence those feelings but charismatic where our writers are fending for spotlights; our mind-prints upon our children while Little Jenny needs individuality or something distinctly human.

Such abandoned furies such encompassing flesh where passion depends upon mental devastation. Souls delivered to histories—our aches seeming unsteady—while most become numb at a tender age; our women so instrumental, our need for them but crucial, as societal-critical art; to have genetic intelligence is to possess genetic residue where design becomes innate; such an argument but apparent with time while many children hunger for example. 

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...