Sunday, December 1, 2019

Graves are Haunting

What curse is this those worms and maggots and yet you live? A man so equipped with life but a man so unequipped with life to die and give while demanded for more; those eggs and grits those toasts with cinnamon while bacon sizzles politely; our deep argument in a given instance to awaken to unusual kindness; our nonchalant insanity our regimen for dysfunction our battle to maintain such innocence; as defeated creatures or managing creatures so equipped to undress silence; pulling for affection and needing mawkishness if but to enter wisely; so upfront with requirements to extract something loving by pure positive and negative behaviors; a man seeing this while repulsed and uneasy where it lives in most circles; those days with unfulfilled dreams while a man becomes unsettled where one suggests he is nonresponsive; but butterflies are wonderful and lemurs are marvelous where in recesses a man is groaning. Those deep moans evident in countenance where we notice something is askew; where language doesn’t match and sweet swords seem apparent or something seems to be hiding. What curse is this where life is rhythms and patterns appear ubiquitous while face-value becomes overly skeptic? Those loud ashes to meet in screams as banshees giggle hysterically; or speaking with one quite skilled and unsteady where chaos seems to appeal to her temperament; where a plan is in place and ladybugs are upon winds while a gust of memories pursue mirrors—this kind dejection this lamp on high where something is feeling normal—this chase and running this harp and flute while a man might be hurting his being; to reject something neat to reflect something at battle or to live in isolation; this need to unglue survival this insistence to participate while one sees something where that person notices recognition; or this eerie feeling as two evaluate where uneasiness makes one dislike the situation. It was autumn of 1981 the sun was eclipsed but radiant madness was in our home. Mother was sullen beneath a quilt and agonizing over lost memory where something unlucky took place. The television stood witness upon a door-knock, a friend with candy: Let her in, lock the screen, and make something to eat. Minutes passed to welcome a new creature insisting upon our stage of normality. Here’s a few bucks, run and by a kite, and then stay where I can see you. Indeed, such traffic such renowned happenstance or such spirits laughing over liquor. That silent look I see it often where one realizes a question is brewing: Do you love me and why, because you act so distant? This distance essence is a killer; but this is its result; when feelings and emotions are overloaded. Such froth and frost, such fraught kilns, such knitted patterns. But a child says words where he knows they come with requests but awkwardness is not the issue. The kernel is appeasement the issue is avoiding the issue where honesty is perceived in bodily sincerity—while uneasiness is spotted and one is alert thence one utters: You don’t love me like I love you!

The grass is plush those seas are majestic and the hills are inviting; seagulls are gathering the sands are horizon and mathematical deliberateness has become first nature; while a child might learn certain patterns they easily carry over into realms where they seem inappropriate; but distance is mechanical and we sense distance while everyone projects quicker than we reflect; this music we play, at first so resistant, where most are quite vulnerable; those buildings with skyglass or those senses with spyware so accustomed to the punchline; but over yonder, they relish in vulnerability and they adjust to both the joys and the loses.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...