Thursday, December 19, 2019

Saw Ghosts in That Closet

I try to alight this raging camel while tossed and floored by vampires; this metaphor for soul this pain in essence while one relishes in dispensing imbalance; those cavelike passions this invisible world so cold so delighted and so naïve; as a curious bastard child this one returned to sender where said sender was ecstatic; those fluorescent screams this feral atmosphere so close but torn apart; this love essence this menu where salad is simile for disarray; as cut and abandoned thrown to sharks while devoured such rain this resurrection; such epitome malice to arise and laugh where villains wait to grant a favor; this aberration this filmed photographer while seeing-self delivered those wrathful tears; it was life to read it, it was death to ingest it, where Love was radical disappearance; this fruitless love this burdensome love while Love wants death and dope and more to desire; those false ambiance or this hostage anarchy while both assumed a casual antidote; those lost aphorisms this ape in black or this penitentiary gorilla; to see with patience to adore despite complexion while the mulatto too was a slave; to be raped and beaten, to be ravished from family, while others say it was a good time: I beg to differ, while lost in honesty, accursed for gunning back; those black axioms those white agendas where most black men are dying for a white queendom; such reaching candor such black psychology while we gravitate and fight towards something disdained; this caste system this deep need while most desire unlimited access; such credence and dynamite such love for Asians where it was hell to rid that damndest phantom; so angered with self, this lightning from brains, where another appeared just as seductive as pain; this designed venture, as nothing to chance, while most fear a brilliant passion.

what to convince this erratic universe such angst or power such sporadic alienation; to run from self while haunted by mind where we adore what we hate; this desperate desire to fit where others belong if but to hear: You’re a worthy person; such deeper psychology where cleanness is a certain group and uncleanness belongs to us; such ecliptic reasoning such coaxed history while it plays as ruling our society; this land of deviance this pain in sociopaths or this danger in psychopaths; this adverse language this adverse reality while manipulation has become a collect caller; this deeper intrusion this mechanic at work or this closet buried in dirty laundry; our phantoms with faces or this dearest religiosity where in the name of God I have distressed miracles; our plaintiff hearts our mis-fathomed positions while God meant for me to harm others; such a rant, such forbidden address, while realizing I see something intimate; by a white woman, where many were weary, our child and death and this animosity for plaids.

It was mailed to pain, an unaddressed envelope, and it was perceived as anthrax; our rich contention this field with scythes while bugs were buried in ancestry; this rising grave this grim-reaper while many cold give a damn less; to imagine arriving to put faith in a creature where said creature is bent to devastate one’s existence; this trustless disaster those round-table laughs where Love is feeling beautiful; so accursed but living or so vacuumed and soulless while something nudges for a new adventure; this pause in daylight this agony is deliverance where it takes pure pain to prevail; such mixed realities while most deal differently where existence becomes something lucrative.    

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...