Sunday, December 29, 2019

I Find Our Rules are Problematic

I explore wisdom this painful creator this power too emphatic. I kiss knots so knitted by pressures or silenced by liquor; to have adored dying while such was luxury at purple pride or passion; if but to believe in something crucial while a man idealizes his queen; this unreal creature this perfect romance if but to perish so slight of terror; such nobility such anchor or wrench our ship-plate haywire; as irreligious souls hung by Jesus while it seems an immoveable paradox; our keel but kilns our kites for daughters our minds upon upheavals. Ladies—you must assure a man, you must be easy, for strength might disappoint you!

            Such aperitif to stimulate appetite while pondering alterity.

But a soul in you so downcast in you while heaven became a hellish language in you. Those turbid ponds this turbid feeling while a person often acts in opposition to his feelings; but proper behavior but proper exposure or but a proper death; or unloosened latchets above pure levity while there is friction in laity.

I was abandoned. I walked through Santa Monica. I met Muslim women. Those scents to a scented brain they exhilarated me. We fired in harmony such a gift from interior where I never felt such fury. Too much beauty as in becoming caricature while a man was left with unbelief.
Loving you was two mountains.

Such abysmal justice such unreal imperceptibility where it was delight to imagine crystals; an angel afire while beauty is a monster our cathedral rebuilt; so facial or comely so agitated or irritable while it couldn’t be factual: such ballad unstableness such disturbing letters while it was unlikely to retrieve sympathy; this unfetching essence this sheer contempt where something is askew; but more to structure so agitated by caprice while we realize a man might lose senses.

                                                We made death of us while blaming the other in sex so volatile.

I can’t reclaim poison albeit this functioning hemlock while daughter has reflection. Those egregious days that bad email or a man pleading his resurrection; to feel such power where nothing else is coming, or to state something crude where she shivers from guilt; so inexplicable or so incorrigible where a man might accept by region: those languid apologies, or that awkward nonchalance, to have feelings for being discovered; but nothing tangible nothing human, especially, nothing affectionate; those others at dismissals our charms but disgusting or our arms reaching for branches.   

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...