Thursday, December 5, 2019

Umbrella Fabrics & Thunder Cloth

If I say that people cannot change, and then I say that I have changed, this becomes a glaring contradiction; for death is attached here and misery is glory while many miss the contradiction. It sings to me in a soften voice while realizing one is incapable of winning favor; a message with wings or an outstanding punishment too lethal to contend. But Love was agonies and Love was romances and Love selected me; this addition to lovers this musical concerto those violins at our incipience; tears fell at precise moments anguish moaned for comfort a man thought to protect Medusa; those snakes were beautiful those eyes were opalescent and chemistry was enhanced by wretched pain. But flowers rebuked this intimacy for pagans where many have little qualm with that; albeit, a child and languishing deceits we hate like eagles haunting prey; this evening with tales and laughter those mornings our naked flesh while a woman adores a muscular man; those times it wouldn’t erupt, our drastic concerns, where a man just felt like kingdoms in there. I reappear as some sort of creature and feeling so corrupt; those diabolical seas those mechanical devices at luxuries to flee. But fire was so close and passion was so fierce while a man might need his legacy; those forked tongues to tell all while feeling so secure; to gossip and laugh to cause a rift and laugh while so deeply insecure; our prayers for father, our days with mother, while it seems women are a bit more determined. I giggle in irony so casted to dregs while everyone else is changing: I no-longer do that or I’m above that or I was slumming back then. It’s quite pervious or quite perverted as needing and requiring such darkness. Those deeds we relish in those exact deeds so much shame while one would die before reneging. But this is life those valued sequences while one is wondering about the worth of brains; to sing in ideologies, to head over the church, and no need to say more.

Those purer lakes oh to dance and chime if but to locate; so much rattling in bushes a small lad is curious he is then rushed to emergency; but this is our eyes sensing and rebuking for Love is devastation—those tiny this those smaller that where incognito is not so important. I have loved this phantom but the umbrella is broken and the chalk is sour; those chairs are aligned the ceiling is steady but the floor is uneasy; love is power and ecstasy is addictive but our souls are miserable; it was hell to lose it was sudden a mistake but it felt so natural to divorce existence; this problem I feel where life is a battle and everything rests upon his shoulders; but a stronger woman to endure by sides while this month she might take the load; our dreams in 3D our screams accusing me so artsy so flippant inside; to imagine those wings as once so perceptible and now so drained or so incorrect—this film replaying heinous frames or tendencies so liquidated where change has lost its paradox.

I arise early mornings at particular routines while found sipping coffee and sparking a clove; those days so sick in you to imagine another ravishing you to become traumatized; to formulate a plan if but this situation we’ll open this ocean to ships; our brown tides filled with sediments at something too plentiful to decipher; a man with deep pains or a woman with treacherous agonies to realize we have been less than perfect.

But change is our issue to lay claim to skies while denying that what I have become ever existed; this splitting headache this curious apparition while one feels so ghostly; this closet of images as a young man rests where at three a.m. he cries out in fear; we search the room it seems of comfort but an hour later that screeching shrill; something is edging forward and something needs to change but change is nonexistent.        

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...