Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ghetto Gospel: Unforgettable Island

those soft seconds aborted to happiness with essence blue miracle. it’s you in mauve or orange or florescent green—those battle lesions those war-cries while found a smidgen wounded; such lightfast reality so uncured but threshing, nonetheless; to climb like hikers to conquer mountains at such remarkable speeds; to write an essay at something difficult while whispering swear-words; while father gropes walls and the heart is deceitful while asking if it might be decoded; or wrestling with evil and knowing its origin while sensing it becomes or it fights back; such a terrible situation to have eyes we ignore while something goes too far; maybe a somber countenance or maybe an entitled countenance while every child is eligible for remarkable; those lakes in there those incredible swans in there or this universe in there; those scientific techniques those wires and copper and potatoes; if but to sentience or abandoned to deeper thoughts as this purer legacy; but I saw it in you this ability to shift coins and this instinct to think clearly; if but one objective this place in realities or this story in literature.

(I’ve longed to hear you) as one traveling zenith while filled by enthusiasm and zeal; our souls replaced our ethics tearing sky-cliffs and our old selves searching for attendance; so, a man as stranger that stranger as writer to hold a particular significance; our lotus dying by irritability and living by joy or somewhere travailing over an old ghetto; as a man thinks he shall become and as a daughter feels she will evolve; those gardens you love that visiting hummingbird or softer serenity music; to jot down thoughts or to write a sonnet while these memories become evident; our gothic realism so taken by history while a man can’t replace his mania; such cryptic advice or bold and daring love while it becomes nonsense for certain dispositions; hearing a slight whisper, a bit inclined at mechanics, to imagine one that functions and dances while a bit uncomfortable.

those syrupy pancakes or those pieces of bacon or a bagel with cheese: to remember a culture of glasses those turns down Century or those years riding miniatures; to arrive at something persistent this voice in passion while you were born through calamities; something was untraditional and something was vague where deeper insights might abbreviate our plain disjunction; as flying into concentration while analyzing those sentences to remind ourselves a Swan was born.

it became yearning to create or Joseph Trace deconstructing his life in a pool stirred by something unforgiving; to imagine destroying a man or attempting in kind without a trace of our behavior. but life is gentle at times if but a moment to see while reality offers a few gifts: this beauty in composition or this interior renaissance while one begins to unravel psychologies; this sickening prettiness or those longer lashes at something too crucial to dismiss; our untrained behaviors or gusts into horizons and explored by angelic-demons—this curse and blessing or this pure appraisal at angst and guts but too floored to breathe; for lights are heavy and images are static-cling while fantasy, albeit, delivering, it returns us to a harsher environment—where elders speak lowly and some there best behavior while we forget those first forty-years; so inclined to adore you but so unrelaxed concerning falsification while, too, your reach seems so undeveloped.   

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...