Friday, December 20, 2019

Our Daughters are Racing Mirrors

while winds wrangle or sawdust sprinkles those eyes meant for waltzing; such delicate energies refilmed in earth those topaz treasures; blood diamond blue or jaded Swan where loyalty might destroy; this faith in beings such green unwelcoming faith to die fever to electrocute mother; but a priest’s interior but a nun’s reach at both pastors and deacons; to argue soundly to seize detriments where liquor might diminish sin.

too many days pining those tacks to brains this fount and pain.

death is cordial, such an invite dreary nights, so multi-colorful; but a slave’s mattock, but courage to resist, or such emotion to carry; this boxy feeling while nearly our flavor so cursed to have loved destiny; this push and pull those serendipitous conclusions so sacred but confused; seated next to redwood whittling a heart while ants debated their trail; such woodshed labor our all morning tasks while rebuilding without pillars; lost for foundation, those oceans re-fragmented, our sunshine held captive.

we walk wiggly our condition ignored while habits are forming; this silence message those salient meteorites so sullen upon our seas; a pigtail and deodorant, jeans and top, over familiar breakfast; to give eternity or overlapping morals while consistency becomes impetuous; but the Swan sings she ever hydroplanes such soft sweet feathers; our road so empty while we pass lizards our desert so intimate;

if bishops could sense something so engrained where we exercise an exorcism; our music but silence our tables but witnesses or those few spiders vying their orchestra; to rethink some allegory but to hell with banalities where two are warring to maintain mental hope; such miracle in bread such life in the host where a Swan might respect deeper individuality;

as a blessed creature sorting through behaviors or maybe unaware of intuition; to give pain definition, or to remodel sorrow, where one has hobby, gift, and determinants.
such Parousia eyes or permanent passion while deciphering between extremes; needing catharses but too young to know differences while elements are so new and brilliant; to get a glance, if but to undress veils, where we look in a mirror and decipher our image; such ecclesial palms such existential elephants at something that appears and vanishes; those data-banks where a thought arises while mood teeters but shifts; a mother with questions, a father unread, or such an unfathomable condition; it becomes bothersome such blight by weather or an unkempt garden; this roadmap fire those pavement vines to readjust by moving emotions; this evening in you those trees in you plus those metaphysical branches.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...