Monday, June 22, 2020

Social Government

by tempo or unlikely arrival to posit by a love claim. one is aback with silence, an other needs esoteria, while both need life. ripples misfit a keyboard, both wish an art boundless, where anodyne is behavioral. I open a magazine, I read a few paragraphs, I place it on a nightstand. I search a weird feeling, I feel it rising, I never ignore senses. we thought about a casket, but mother wanted an urn, I wrestle believing she desires an unction. so unblessed in life, despite, myriad tongues, pain just found its home. by slumber at day two, unwelcomed, ranting profanity at walls, or mainly a gaze. but eyes have reasons just as mothers have instincts while it all seems inappropriate. but back to Love, those teardrops, while she never intended on loving an other. I played with stencils, I painted a canvas, I felt an odd upsurge needing its release. life is empires or screams or a few getting together. an obituary or dirt or a requiem! much ado about purgatory, or experiences we don’t mention, where it’s important to impress others: sheer required behavior; nice, compatible feedback; plus, good posture, prayers, & patience. so many rivulets at a moment, such dark contradiction, when behavior acts against its nature. it builds resentment, it causes tumors or ulcers while we act by ulterior motivations. but Love looks concerned or Love has a feeling or Love needs to be away from others. by seams sewn into screams as might compels an insurrection. a banshee in chains if not a woman in visions while a fantast struggles with reality. much emotion such reaching ether where a man is purged of his inhibitions: a mental collar, an animal urge, or a loaf of shame. such shapeless ambition or a warrior to his path, while silence seems indistinct. life as one grand collage, our booklet of poems, our voice-gauges so remote our islands. or intrinsic traits, as irremovable, wherefore, as are held by eternity. but we segue, back to a dream, while we sense different calibers: seeming like catnip, or appealing to a few, where others are disillusioned. by social location, or unversed psychology, where one has many answers that fail to fit.    

I’d Save The Reader Years

    The beat becomes sickness. A long crucible—a drilling ecstasy. I was losing focus, feeling forbidden, if to self, if to mirrors. So curs...