Monday, July 13, 2020

Observation Observes Itself

I sail by currents so abandoned or alone or so close to feel discomfort; by island or sanctuary to come to a desolate room; if but frantic but controlled if but to reveal uneasiness: a bounce on good days such variance come sadness or beautiful melancholy. to love or die as consumed beings while so vulnerable it’s hard to be receptive. by flame or baked socially such a stress for meraki. a man with himself or a song unsung or re-recorded while lacking velocity. such salient evidence such disappointing years as sudden into a new life; if silence than deaths if pieces we glue ourselves together. so skeptic of you so infused by absence while doors endure collisions—those skies needing heaven those eyes so impressionable or so conflicted; at lemur poses or orangutan composure while a gorilla might just watch. our camera so precise our inquiry so imperfect where it seems one must exist; to live by shades or intrinsic truths while lovers assert axioms or maxims or a certain certitude—as life is absolute, it’s too complicated, two enjoy while growing into realities. certain vices or selected endearments so fused so familiar while nothing is of more value; or split emotion, never close to neither, while disjointed if it dissolves. a pair of marigolds while
                                    watered or pruned where comfort is the woman’s presence. (I am confused, especially, without counseling, (how dysfunction breeds pure functionality?) but amazing things take place, therapy unleashes uncertainties, where it might reinforce some core truths.) if to vanish some nights if to approach a strange woman if but a man lost everything just an hour ago. it seems
                                    so difficult, while it happens so quickly, for a world inside a world is dying from rain. into dewdrops those eyes where we discern different calibers. it’s not so much as it happens. it’s not so much it’s irreligious. it just becomes something with little attachment: upon dreamwood or firebrand or isolation.   

I’d Save The Reader Years

    The beat becomes sickness. A long crucible—a drilling ecstasy. I was losing focus, feeling forbidden, if to self, if to mirrors. So curs...