Wednesday, September 30, 2020

When Does Anomaly Register In The Perceiver?


so medium dry while tumbling grayly to unbend a closed wire. if death is sweet, I don’t need to die, so terrific by waves we hate each other. it couldn’t be justice, such an aloof mystic, for to erupt is a miracle. Love was physical, nothing mental, so simple it feels intolerant. as cushioned a soft blow where too much distance becomes even tempered. while one might ask, if principles count, how we detach our umbilical cords? I can’t un-guilt the feeling or applesauce the hurt while one has so much fever. I know for spaces, three days manic two days freedom—to have sweet death where reality is hectic so core bent on your voice. such fiending for escape or hating our souls while pain was essence into sugar—the film up high those irregular emotions or craft to gut something mainly cryptic. in this “mind” as to locate material one might see gods knitting—such gates at opening to adore something closing while intimacy doesn’t come with greetings—to fret those persons, so comfortable, as one behaving out of sequence—so bothered lately such a feud lately while it never gets through lately. so hope filled such pelagic prayers so much so unborn. the cub having attention or the rising bear so feared where reality sets us apart; so delirious so functional or carrying too much for our souls to construct. I noticed behavior so I spoke to it, I have never received an answer that aligns with actuality. so much a covenant, as between two people, where one does whatever comes to mind. such frames such glasses such iron at his intestines; but a shotgun blast so metaphorical while he hung with his terror explosive out his cranium. those logs too heavy but forced to carry with the town screaming or mocking innocence. the wilder the idea those sylvans as accursed awaiting its finality. such ownership as understanding something acute takes place in the souls of humans! 

seeing our differentials, regarding those inner personalities, makes one patient with essence. I speak in riddle, but some must know, the personality is but the bark—the branches are the characteristics. such blue sunrise, such sunbird antennas, while we move like we are invisible. 

I guarantee women are watching!

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...