Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Nightsong Addict


the charity of poverty or amazement of the addict the panting of the bear. so secure in chaos so livid, We need control! as chemic souls racing over synaptic(s) so bothered by differences. I try in warmth or resisting frustration while it never stops. those aliens those mistakes as asserting dominance. such conscious souls as utilizing powers where dynamics are self-resenting. our mountains our dark woods while conversing with raccoons. an aspect where it reigned true while a mother held a grudge for twenty-nine years. we’re deceived in this very lesson: Death does not determine happiness. the public domain where one is eager if but to chew a man to shreds. (as it listens, we determine standards but the addict is a different creature: those private monologues those interior dialogues so spaced so deeper so dreaded—upon a cloud gutting reality at a man’s forebrains—those frontal activities while it builds where one is to behave. as seen in god-syndromes or authoritarians while one speaks of egalitarianism; (such contrite spirits but filled with wonder where one is volunteered to experience a person; so darling to a lonely soul, such as something bitter is considered sweetness); so alien by me so intimate with addicts so floored the addict would whisper—as caged criminals or office tents while it happens in every city—the plank for children the negative antennas where one dies a smidgen. such resilience as it’s spoken as meaning one is good to carry their travesties—by those hands by those drugs as just reliving a person’s tragedy).     so tender the thunder so much inner traffic while one possesses something good. we must remind ourselves, we must be intimate with ourselves, as knowing when resolution is like kitsch. we deal with activities we die like pantomimes or we run a dear risk. once pulled-in the reality is lethal as it never ends. it’s a deadzone filled with violence complicated by silence. the soul is victimized others feel satisfied but they never cease or desist. oh for this color as opalescent where most men are enchanted; indeed, or thus a skylark, or thus a scream, or thus a passion. the parade for the tyro the grime for grind those pigeons sitting anxiously. social gymkata or pretend amore while most lose self in violent shifts. (as depleted at points or fevered at points, we realize our incompleteness; such a rapturous person while disapproving of personhood such adroit wilderness—the curse of the oak those oaken graves our feelings destroying our concepts; the man in his egg the woman tapping where earth cracks softly; such fervor for a lover such a person another never sees or too close to ruining all passages to clarity.) those chairs as they chance the forest of the wildfire such flashes as gelid into familiar characteristics. the offense is this, in a world supporting it, to presume all addicts are by sameness!     by fields we met a younger self the pains over there are counted as treasures. such differences between us, such short-term levity, where some adore chaos; for it gives life, or it gives meaning, while a person is filled with hats. a man is considered strange, where his ethos is different, where persons seem more of a visual. we run risks, in all that we do, while something puzzles most undergoing difficulty; the sky as it rages those fires throughout sanity or wheezing numbness—(where one needs to resuscitate a person for a lost magnet.) such boundless meaning such roaring sentimentalities where something is tampered with that can’t be adjusted; but more to intention while it just feels its purpose in a world counting its frustrations.     nothing as safe, nothing as cured, we acquire tools!     a person is determination while another is passivity where both disgust each other. so much bliss, or happiness or solar-force familiarity—as seeing the negative, a bit interested in the positive, as to show one an addict that might function with society; those symbols those factions, where an alcoholic is talking steps: hence, our confessions our lies our personal satisfaction—where something numb might feel pathos or attempt to live by logos with pure resistance screaming at his deficits; to swelter through it, to be written in blackdamp, as furthermore, a harvested winter!         

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...