Thursday, September 3, 2020

Existence Is Genetic Product


those mimes they play pretend such inordinate succession. by mind to have seen you, or courage to endure you, where every gesture becomes mother. at film or philharmonics such a gentle flower so intense where women defy physics; such a cave so ignoble while pure addiction. sore frames as raw mechanics into atmosphere. sure metaphysics as a man might die to come back into running arms. sheer blood of our lions, sheer feet of our cheetahs, as time would kneel in her honor. I thank you for discomfort, I engage you in irony, where a man learned by his lonesome. but dear deaths or prescribed silence if but to attract a number of gnats. such incredible angst such radiant anxieties as days morph into minutes.     such meraki or metanoia at tender discouragement; as a photo in a heart or a square in a diamond where we fawn over celebrity—by arch to arrive by woman to

                        survive where we discount their prowess. by relaxed classics by raging guitar or seated so closely to our number one hope; but a woman so treasured if but our anguish while too remote to fish for; a compass in its blood or a reminder to pray while a child is filled with kindness.     I would adore with legacies those pipes in our sewer. so bizarre so incapable where two loved liked dying was necessary. our aging bodies our depleted wits where we learn to accept the one we

            adore. it gets ironic, our men as women, our women as men, or our daughters wrestling a dark space. I sense pure alienation, such firm ostracism, but distinguish self assertion from mother irony. so many meerkats or fluffy wilderness while many purchase ferrets. as abandoned to a feeling, so killed in an instance, while life is rescued by one tender response. true fables. truer pain. to again with love!   

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...