Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Vapor Becomes Substance

by intonation so abused by science while trying to hold abstracts; theoretical pain, reduced emotionality, in a world suffering sheer rain. the dead man walking the lively woman crying the death we adhere to; despite, such unleveled fire or radiant fright as accursed to create wings; as no one believes or shadows are walking where relaxing is its myth. so much in flying. so much in cringing. so split so ruined while someone might give us voice. so poignant so unstudied while looking at you is painful. so much a raffle or needing one life while most stagger through moods. the day was long. it has been for weeks. where nights revolve into anxiety. to know her strength as never a study where intuition is retreating from adventure: if to impart some gift or to ask a question while zones shutter or shelter is a myth; that daily person, such discredited behaviors, or too imprudent those years. to confiscate self, or to outrun the theft, while awakening/answering self. such a riddle such deep uneasiness where professionals are making guesses. the expert prying the expert dying if but to understand something so intimate to the expert. our surly agendas our few mistakes or so close to reliving, its too far. it becomes bizarre or extraterrestrial or something eluding a definite definition. so vital to its soul too elusive to undress or too reclusive to escape.

            so unilateral as polemic becomes cuddled where reality must fit tradition. the ax in its stub           those treasures so evasive while essence has boiled into vapor, it lives! 

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...