Saturday, September 26, 2020

One Last Ghost


it was adolescence so charged if but to own capacity. it came like winter such tension such begonias—to sense subtle fierceness or electric fire some furnace begging its redemption. (it seems appropriate to point out something palpable, we find our humanity as irreligious—so filthy, “I must be cleansed,” our stay is strategic.) so much more a given handicap while feeling sorrow for our faces—the man lost family, the daughter lost father, the mother was furious. we can’t forgive, it’s anti-gods, it means so much—the touch scraping the maze of maggots those marshy swamps. by values by craft by misery; so impulsive so regenerated so many trees planted; the sculptress as gazing at hands so disappointed with design. by a master drive as falling or galloping to arise petting the stallion; so disjunct so ridiculous while reality becomes cartoons.     over a latte, I met passion by Love’s merits—to enter space to unfeel a magnet, too much into wilderness: facial recognition so compatible where it becomes a curse. some are gifted but frantic for they adjust so swiftly: they read us they remain responsive, they need acceptance. such archaic angels as roaming Eternity such violence as it spoke. the inner summer the nightly beasts while Love might fall enlove. so detained so gallant or so stupid to lose. it must scream so many faces while odors waft upon a manic spell. such memories such leisure so gymnastic; as undercut, for Love was grander where lovers fail to count. such hated feelings or so low while activity becomes hectic.


            let’s try:


she’s six-foot tall, size twelve waist, double cupped sized breasts; longer abusive mane an elongated neck plush odorless so swell! an absence of discoloration. aesthetic knees. such hijacking buttocks. a neat war inside, a touch of eloquence, a drastic-outlandish-esthetic lioness—as right there a pair of wings a candle so lonely; by rush to laugh, by eyes to adore, by rage so political; a fist for justice, a decent wit, while Virgo at music. such an Aries or a shocking, uninflated Libra. I forget at moments, such a rainbow, so cured so dead such wheezing to escape. lips so purchased or a nose so robbed while invading a man’s safe. an artistic bent. a poet in rain. a novella on its shelf. to look while pleading if but one last death!   

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...