Sunday, September 20, 2020

(All) Parties Stand In Judgment


such as unresolved so it lingers the curse of the mulatto. no foundation a broken root or rarely accepted. such unenvied bedlam such raw disposition while labelled, rescheduled, or facing havoc—the chaos chain those inkblots such as farming predispositions; so much an animal too much perception, not enough evidence. it must be that way, for cases over-there, while a man is assessed prior to his greeting. so agitated by supposition so accursed for responding where most put in for total destruction. if two shall love two shall die while no one is permitted to opt out. (“I’d prefer you die as opposed to seek your health, for it couldn’t be so horrible!”)

the gavel upon gravel the fuss left an impression: sure deserved ostracism, certainty to death, as its sentence was lethal.

the soul of a mulatto the rings in its oak or fair by deserved scandals; for mother is correct, for it was difficult, but mother found one; so ready to enter, so encased in a scream, so distressed come sunrise!

a man will lose to gather wits so uncured addressing his recovered memories.

those trees watched where the daughter grew while a mother was in survival mode. the old blanket the filthy flipflops or toys dating their time.

(“he couldn’t be trying, our cursed genetics, such shame in observation. such ill-repute, such a black sheep, while I endorse forgiveness & egalitarianism.”)

it gets uncomfortable it sits sort of highly or it vitiates its claims.

what should one give, where, of course, he is totally, & solely, the only incriminated vessel? a bit to sarcasm while it’s sweet to play violin where emotions are wrapped, plus, unhealthy.

so unframed so untidy while it’s written the soul is distorted. but a daughter faults parents, with little to deduce from, while it must be difficult discernment.             

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...