Saturday, September 19, 2020

Cigars With Coffee


stark raven sadness such emotion on trial as we ask, “Can he feel pain?” so disturbed by rosaries so pictured in graves with haven to mind a century of slaves. we fail to click where this is necessary, it’s the resistance that gets one in! so difficult the terror so neat the dove while most need to vet authenticity. a person will bust your beak or induce your sweat as to watch while you wiggle. but love seems apropos or uneasy or totally inappropriate. a son to his duties those lights as remote such a feeling aching like thunder. one has little in your interests. where one senses insecurity. in our need we endure unevenness. so vague a word while they need passion if but to ruminate in positive lightning. it was such a feeling it became an inner scroll while faucets dripped irrational reality; such mud or blood purple such jasmine colored values. you spin while watching. it seems so unnecessary. like the things we do to those we love. (so much a riddle, just because it aches, can’t negate the probability of the only love one can give. it clouds regions the fog is hectic one tries to see beyond their intuition. such murky swamps, such sludge to tread, a soul is waist-deep in muck.) but you have died where it feels lonely while someone is ignoring your concentration.

such reaching auras such treasured antipathy or trying with tears to consume a lover. if but the softest promise, if but to drag one from her life, if but the guarantee of intimate bliss. such majesty in moments while chemicals pour into our canisters. so bleak those years such promise in one person, if but you cater to me eternally. to know love as in loving you, where we grow into something rejuvenating: our minds like skies our openness like vast space, or our receptivity like cable. to adore you. to hurt you. to beg forgiveness by you!          


Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...