Friday, September 4, 2020

Are You Numb, Black Man?


by science we have insights or religiosity in its hands, but I speak more to numbness as a cousin or calmness while at wonder concerning the inversion of said numbness: Does it talk more? Does it have modalities? Is it receptive, and/or, better adjusted? I have a situation. it screams at science. but it separates its parts. such puppetry. such a diamond in his heart. such a miracle in the yogi.

by penchants or irritation where thought-photos appear in a man’s soul. a budding daisy or partial incorrectness while we notice capricious spinning(s); but evidence is behavioral, deplete of irrationality, while it hurts a bit. so much into future results, so adamant it must suffice, while onlookers are wondering of those stars. a curt feeling a unfeeling feeling or a fretted familiarity.

I will never be you. I am abnormally normal. I assert based upon functionality. as to see our world, or to address our world, while strength must often show weakness. I don’t claim smartness. that is not a given goal. something more universal, individualistically-anti-individualism! those mind-careers, those deeper uncertainties, where reality is often unreal—it has a location, therefore, it is preconceived, wherefore, a given reality must appeal to all of its onlookers!

else, we have preference, are left speechless, are filled with our friend, Mr. Doubt.     those padlocks, one is dis-adhering to, while famed as an incredible psychiatrist.     caveat: I need so little. it is said through observation. I shall adhere to what others have vetted!     so many tactics. so indebted to mentors. or such a true human.     those brains as finding peace as abandoning it for wars: a sensitive aura or a gifted receptivity, where reality is in its moment.

I do wrestle though, through cobwebs: Are we feeling our responses, or do we know what’s appropriate when responding? if the latter, we seem numb, but intelligence should always accompany our responses! if not, we knit erratic as a frontier, or we become labelled as capricious, and, therefore, we are avoided!

I knew the word but never heard is so clearly, as when a psychologist mentioned it. such an opus, I responded with skepticism, but reflection is too clear to denounce its possibility.     the hydrant is flowing. it demands for responses. where one merely observing has inverted the psych for the client & the client for the psych. it seems radical. it seems far-reaching. it feels like uncertainty.    

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...