Friday, May 15, 2020

When The Skies Devastate

so sensual by converse such outflanking eyes such push, tug, or pull. so seductive, to sit that way, or to gaze into or out by sure hotwiring fury. a man has difficulties where deaths are romantic while he desires a psychopathic woman. pure psychoses or mythical unreality while she speaks metaphysics. out of raw experience to have deceased intimates so ungathered or untethered by far a mother’s inhibitions. by danger to touch or so inconsequential while hairs perspire to static cling. certain electricity or deep non-regrets while thrown into raving debauchery. a man wants more while needing mother his images cross and deceive him. such surefire pain such fireworks raging while existence is titillating. (by far we scream into dungeons into unstable homes—to fret our natures or to enhance resilience while losing sensibilities—those hips so outlandish those arms so approaching where legs are dynamite explosives). our regard for poetry that elusive creature our objectification or our obtuse moments—to redeem sexuality or too much to sustain where Love says, “It’s alright.” our demolition dreams our early twenties or those days so driven by crude attraction. such curves defying Jesus, such chest devastating Cosmo. while looking deliberately: some object or seams in his mind or bacteria he must devour; or honor by death, to ask for eternity, while too psychotic for that revelation.  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...