Monday, May 11, 2020

Have Become More Than What Was Offered

why an object so close it feels like intimacy. to lose would hurt but presence is detached while it aches to see into you. and mother, a creature by habits, to see pieces of addicts in stranger faces. so much such fire to root for your faculties while resorting to left behind—by castling flame those penchant screams to unstir venom or to dive higher so afar the moon nears where something casts a grin. how to unstart where wheels are unsteering to become so close to granny’s voodoo. a child peering by boxes, as only you would hurt me, where I now wait for the punch line. if but to satirize to freedom if but to let loose the grip while I met something on its journey. but a hardened gazelle or reborn into leviathan at something/for something many will resist. but fair sun or summer arts a man speaking concerns where pain must survive. to cleave to music to feel so radiant while hated to our guts—such softer harmonicas while in minds we jaunt—those fantastic wings those fabulous arts where one is too discontent to wish another grander screams; to live or exist, to picture sanity, by slumber before daybreak. it must have come, fresh from travesty, into one it should not be! those righteous reasons, as one clung to maxims, another gripped dear title to its grave. such an enclosure while mother was angry for that exact reason; something so sensitive while so aggressive but accepting nothing that looks familiar; our deceived souls such self-deception while it must go a certain way. the girt of appetites the force of the traps the curse of the blood-heart. by folly to lose or to win feeling uncertain those wigs we wear alongside our kits. by tassel to evolve as it barely starts those decades so underground. a child tells mommy his pain, mommy listens, and chastises the boy repeatedly. this dear reality. so pure so vicious. while one can’t help his response. the feud so purple. the angst so precious. where one says that this is living. such apricot resistance, by a darken cloud, while souls are burning ashes. over a chalice we would play a game in order to decide which of us are correct. ripples or static? disgusts, plus, wrung. or mecca or sandalwood.  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...