Saturday, May 16, 2020

Musical Chairs

behest love its parameters its fierce machete as we perish by harts. those cold avenues those knots inside bundled into mind-matter. they need rosy assertion in a land made muddy while someone has befriended an angel. to picture our wants or to harvest our greed while loving passion is made so difficult. to speak by suspicion or to throw caution deadly into aura or crystals or chandeliers. our interior home our glasshouses where it’s impossible to renege on you. but it’s short its journey or giggling at devotion or it loves fervently. such raging heat, such kamikaze addiction where we do things to ignite ecstasy. by restricted currents or beating drums or at it so long the heart doesn’t tick. an air-pocket in dragonflies while tumbling over trick-wires or hotwired for our last lacewing. if but those bases if but more baseball where a man is running over grassy identity. so pluckable or so pliable where fences are dug-up or now a memory. in too deep by cement or study while one has a remote control. such legs or fire such face or attention while one might laugh: for it was covert, her every instruction, while it struck its target; where a man effaces feelings while a man erases emotions insomuch as a man ruins sensibility. by icy chips or stormy seas to have broken an inner contract. or to love you, where reality shifts, while I’ll sit in your seat another day.        

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...