Monday, May 18, 2020

Mock The Driven Soul

oh for deer those cloudy deserts as one leaps into our kitchen. to gather berries to cleanse souls to rebuild homes. our triumph in blood such suffering loses insomuch as we must be liars. “No one shall know while someone leaked tremors or it was repeated by our habits.” three different lovers, three different characters, while its omega was deathly the same. it kills by correlation it refilms behaviors where most prefer a bit of denial. to scratch a thought or to lie more while we have entered complex anger. more to facts, our perception of self, where “If they knew me, they would not love me.” sore or raging, defensive or outlandish, where one tries to control the tides—our horizon our neat bibles while oceans are carrying whales. if music so tender to fly into fire while burying a few habits. so loveable those lies so remorseful the new person, plus, so sullen but raw. to tell the story to glean fruits while analyzing the remnants. (“They know why, for it was deviation, where one’s spirit was congested. Such fury in me such laughter out there where I kept skiing. True rivers as pouring into personality while I just passed a cosmic test.”) balls bouncing shots attempted where the first basket is intoxicating. (all we’ve become, as never stagnant, while peaks are often so much differential—at dark footing or craved sands those motherly whispers.)

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...