Wednesday, May 20, 2020

It Takes Time To See Experience

I become essence or interior while deaths are reviewed. our ghetto kite fights our ruthless jive talk attentive to what seemed important. the fire was railings ever into our perspective while too innocent to articulate. years would metamorphous church would become scrutinized while we located our space in politics. knot tied guts or ropes dangling or the skies too vicious; at pockets of furies or flames at treacheries those intense robots.     I ponder such skills seated or seething with sleet dripping into oceans; so icy or cold as values dictate or hell was flying.     a mushroom grew out of concrete. an adolescent won a Spelling Bee. while a girl received her first check. various milestones as we sit in contemplation sure to wrangle over viewpoints.     stereos are blaring an antique was shattered while teenagers are frantic. the days feel like unity or best our remedies in such squalor or penance. by rare communion analyzing innards at something quite eclectic: those charming string candies or days filled with pork where our bellies would ache. or a sweet tooth, or maybe a hankering for a Big Hunk, otherwise, watching as women headed to meetings.     a Maserati zips by. we fill up with hopes. we become argumentative: “That’s my car, it’s out on loan, look at my swagger!” so much laughter. we seemed so rich. these are natural wonders.     our senses fail us, or too cordial to see, where assessments or entrances are being made. our fumigating eyes, our repellent stances, or so eager in an instant second.     trees meters high. just watching, or bearing concerns. such primitive reactors, such sullen fears, where it was anxiety that brought us together. our canopy wishes. our dear deep screams. or reframing our lives.    

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...