Sunday, May 31, 2020

America Keeps By Outrage

the mornings are sameness, a clove with coffee, something tender but problem built. the welts of society. the looting for the deceased. or rage tunneling scars. it’s dark these sails or graves for passions concerned with grandeur. the back-office thoughts our presidential responses or needs becoming like winter. to know behavior or nothing more while a mule demands through passivity. such heavy skies to carry injustice while we see how people perform. a canine let loose. a knee unto death. or a department set aflame. under your watch. but it means nothing. while many are disenchanted. the triumph is the National Guard. or such aloof regulation. while reality is chunking up blood. the demon-house the cage-war or hell to the rest of society. our cuts with fury. our devices with mutiny. while only the rich adore Trump. it becomes a game. but it shows ambition. the main requirement is riches. but more to this clove. it deserves greater attention, while I journey through smoke rings. our lives as meaning so little where we hate for the purpose of survival. our converse. our nonchalance. or our endorsements. looking for a masterpiece. writing several entries. while it becomes its torture. our language, so sketchy, or too rough to adhere to; our dream so captured, so unsteady, while we hunger for shame. our restricted venues our mornings those terrors or pain as my gift to you. (hold closeness or drown screaming while realism has nothing to do with our commands.) such a formula. while good anger is deceptive. insomuch as to ask for something un-societal. the coffee is gone those birds are silent plus the times are against liberties. we see decline. we blame Obama. we ignore our legacy. it’s outrageous. it devastates. where America is apologetic. but a new religion. or the faith of riches. where a man doesn’t desire rationality. (it means nothing.) feet are moving. decisions are difficult. the nation is falling. as to walk away. at either four to eight years. while asserting, “It was America’s fault.” we have so little respect for obvious structures where intentionality doesn’t excuse negligence.         

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...