Sunday, May 17, 2020

Empathizing W/ Our Captors

sweet fluffy pain to let loose while shivering happiness. to never meet again while tremors whelm guts to floor by misery. truth is disgraced, beat nigh death, or resuscitated for further abuse. such resentment in us such disgusts for essence where we tolerate existence. such flat responses, where souls are drained, or functional blackmail. where it’s good or souls are angry while saying what we damn well please. turning weapons such sensory ammunition while emotion sits in the barricades. our impervious moods where it was never us insomuch as life is Atari. such pleasurable games to giggle with creeks while so vicious it seems normality. or to know recesses those barred ghettoes as to open the cemented pits. such a man as stupid this pain we piano where one might know his caves. but it’s innocent poking it isn’t major so we assume a person should acquiesce. it seems like odds or tables flipped while onlookers are speculating. or a catty poet at dark realms those ghosts tippy-toeing across his synaptic. another decade with issues but time was gentle where it took constant negotiations. what wars those gates while most shall survive! a woman lost largely. her daughter a (nine-year-old) became mother’s therapist. the daughter became depressed. her grades slipped. mother was exhausted. and soon hospitalized. so many stories, such rushing rapids, but it soon worked out. smoother failings, a lover in the horizon, while loneness becomes an issue.      

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...