Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Paper Rejected The Envelope

I uninvite self, ditches to guts or swings to passion so forced to die-pits or cushion for a padded room while foulness performs a grave afar my sepulcher. the paper has margins I write therein I am restricted from its center. the sky is bleeding ribbons daughters are catching rubies where a man watches with unbelief. interior pantomime ghosts, if to decipher feelings, so curt with a walking, nay, chasing mirror. I look back or hack with pliers while it’s reborn by morning. (it seems irregular where the villain rationalizes.) by aches into feathers where mother owns the catacomb. I would to breaths like sudden seconds to freedom if but passed my papers. fabric or fire or fields, assessed as animals where liberty becomes ink. a nimbus for an omen, a daughter for his illness, or a scandal for a Mega Church. by fertile beliefs so convicted it becomes a threat, while every man needs with desperation. but a piccolo in cold weather, but academia for Sun Lake, or ego whispers tugging at the super-self. a collage a mystery a feeling or a little exhaustion. our listlessness, comparing and contrasting, where we fever in a given direction. a Vizzy to chill. I clove while eerie. but a theme for sacrifices. the genre in me. those waves at pavements. or mental vows seeming irrelevant. to re-exist. at adders or faith. so close to a vignette portrait.      

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...