Monday, December 13, 2021

The Dam Suffers Breakage


stream into me, find hope, so much begging—a life full of tribulation, much character, plus, a feature—the tempest, my future, dying with each breath.

I endue spirit, graves worth millions, the wake filled with fire tears.

moving faster, thinking slower, bodies in motion; looking for a savior, going deeper, it seems we define freedom.

so thirsty for gems, managed trillions, at a beat, a few more steps.

the gamut was her soul, the body was glittery, the feather seemed appropriate.

so much is sudden, cleaving to one second, vibrating like speakers—loud music, louder energies, dripping hertz.

losing sleep, thinking on what hurts, like sick how it moves—the face of pain, I crossed lines, some filth in me.

thoughts in bones, marrow sodden, magic time—hearing my memories, skating my penalty, like Jesus claimed me;

to skip a minute, time floating, such serene miseries—so knit, an opus woman, a needed ribbon.

I’d Save The Reader Years

    The beat becomes sickness. A long crucible—a drilling ecstasy. I was losing focus, feeling forbidden, if to self, if to mirrors. So curs...