Sunday, April 5, 2020

Devastated Features/Crosswise Loneliness

I can’t fathom you this distinguished phantom
or terror to someone ill-gotten; while kindred
souls too alive to live or too deceased to rise.
Others soot our chimney or curse our cries with
measure to increase our gore—this flavor in
molasses those anxieties we share while you
empathize with mother: another century, a bleeding
scale, while fervor assails our intestines. I awoke
early those snails were in me before I startled a
ghost; so much noir or so much mania or feeling
comforts by our features: blankets or quilts, fire
seduced emptiness, such a daughter to see by
divination: our blue-black discourse our hearts
gunning into fury while kindreds speak elements.  

Subtle Gesture

  Like a vision it probes—a subtle expression. Love has mastered subtleties. I perish with each one. It was never our luxury—sable honest ey...