Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Unclutch Those Instincts: Harvest Clarity

try by loyalty, as it amazes, the fluidity in trust:
try gestalt arts, the merging into self, while
seeping into exospheres. it doesn’t dissipate—the wisdom is crosswise—the yarn is unraveled.
but a mere escape something to imbalance the table or a mere cloth:
tunnels inside, little men inside, so casual afflicted with carnivals. I
knew victimizers. I became pained. I withdrew.
furniture was moved. it was restyled. we unveiled feng shui. those eyes shifted. they admitted nothing. they ruptured became bloodshot. it happens
inwardly, we soon adore it, it becomes instrumental: our ghosts, our shivering, our mannequin responses: seething by absence, interior dependence, while it can’t evoke itself.
such omni-existence, such meta-oceans, while Love
was a tear torn by absence. so far jogging silence. so cursed pleading ability.
or broken carrying a pocket of glass. I have
answers in mind, karaoke repeats, or jukebox wildness.  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...