Monday, April 20, 2020

Social Cobwebs: Begging for Something Unfit

I moan over loses while life is consistent insomuch as more might suffocate rubies. I qualm with most things listening for ulterior motives while afflicted by monsters. tragic blood-spill or oozing sanity where it was excellence those first few ghosts; but censored as delinquent or radicalized as a threat or challenged for it has an aura. it becomes polluted, as algae builds lagoons, where Love was first adorable. our sights hankering our palms bleeding our knuckles blended with soils; as mineral souls or making our concerns where it was nice but it became boredom. over smooth fury or fiery charms to have such disgusts for breakfast: those fair white roses or those porcelain skies insomuch as delivered to suffer; such increased feelings or rarity consciousness insofar as most are debilitated. it came to me, something I was silenced to, while many took joy in those cages. I brave a cigar or puff harder while blowing smoke-rings; such tobacco or nights racing if but rhinestones; where I imagine purity but humans do not behave while one will let you worship them. it shattered, shards fell upward, angels were swatting glass; our stellar eyes our cellar pains so far from you it feels concerning. but our detached connections, so split it’s normal, or so invested its nerve racking: interior mirrors, interior people, or phone-faces!  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...