Saturday, April 11, 2020

Surface Scars Born Sacraments

we unknit our minds those vital fears while
begging mother: please dismount or kill my
horse, while a baby was such sweet poison.
wraiths play Double Dutch an ankle is chained
our foremothers are fluffing cotton: pricks or
stitches where whelps look like mountains.
it’s been difficult hauling, those inherited flames
so entailed by trembling palms. torn syrup
patches or bushes so ancient or emotion so
unlike me. to grovel to inner pictures to feel a
hand while closed eyes awoken to a kiss. just
hanging in limbo, between a scar, or inhaling a
mantra: such dear Bhakti or ruined phones
while reaching guts is tragic symphony.   

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...