Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Open The Closet Window

into a galaxy or orbing into frequencies so touched by kindness. our scribbling spirits as to write upon pavement a bit grounded our daughters; to converse obvious measures or to avoid hermetic presumptions while needing something mystic. I should love like dying or appreciate every morsel as abandoned to his cattle; to have watched but such distance where people polish differently. if but to grip clumps of air or to spray-paint skies where an infant is palming spirits; those chuckles at pure nothingness to dine with living room winds. I fathom grayness but something becomes soot while reality chokes on blackdamp; our pensive hearts our hurt feelings where dragonflies are fertile aloofness. it was innocence those days it became partly crazed while it maneuvers for its dreams. I look to feelings or deliberate with facts but a man must gain composure. a soft sell or a hard close while some are walked into submission. those eyes debating where minds compute if but to un-silence something it screams—our battled lives or those happy moments to sit or prevail; a cryptic sister or maybe a brother while life is taking its place; our values up for discussion our terrors close in cubicles while we must abate them or nurture them. either/or, they fret or frame or fracture into pieces—those devices those storms those wars!       

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...