Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Boys Have Crushes: Men Have Appetites

I imagine therapy—how it activates, where one says, “You got it,” or another says, “I don’t know how to help you.” by fierceness another says, “I don’t do therapy,” such pure contradiction. a man is worked on, from day one, in hopes of creating sensitivities. while one is crossed out, dealing by timidity, where Love is vicious. I disappear from that or return with issues while days are intricate confrontations. I would love a woman, purely by instinct, unaware that some are more compatible. or I would look at structure, as thinking frigidity, while Love was business suit and passion. so alive those nights, it was pleasure or fame, as to arrive so late during our majesty. indeed, I disappear laughing at rules where we’re never certain. one might die with compassion, one might thrum the streets, or another might need too much; our relaxed souls where we miss intelligence if but to confess, “We might own ourselves.” such irresistibility so early on while I pined like Goliath. such an odd reference, but he wanted power, indeed, to override and torture an entire nation. but Love was satire or Love was statuesque, or better, a stately woman; as Love was multiple pictures, or multiple flowers, or skies with faces. forthwith, I was timid, or forthwith, I was quietude, or struggle and dynamite to walk away while something simmered for all unknown.        

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...