Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Filtered by First Impressions

I don’t reason love or multiply mistakes if but to fashion our lungs, so spatial or dreaded to have passion while bleeding those gifts those fires those forces, as creatures disturbed such raw science where we break sanity, that lever that liquor that ghost so close to winning or so found as remorse where winning was delusional. I paper-machete or pantomime or too sensitive to ignore flamboyancy—our running souls while grieving deeply as never a measure high enough to re-kettle: metal disagreements, indifferent majesties, while angels become indecent: gawking at flesh, so devastated by skin at letters to plead but destressed by forgiveness. thousand-dollar plates diamond dealt dice, after tiles and fluids while screaming about love. the Labrador at grass, while quick to vomit, where a sleigh pleases a community. we un-rumor our tales we revive our securities if but to reboot those partial rules—so delicate so ensured while such black Spanish rawness; so Israel by beauty, so Jerusalem by pain, while Frank married a Palestinian. our souls after Egyptians or Asian dolls wherefore nothing seems to combat; our aching swords so steep in forests while nothing meant more than flesh: such daughter clocks such father mockingbirds while something should be happiness: our nightmare, our unbalanced knitting, if but universal doctrine.      

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...