Friday, April 24, 2020

Caiman Genes

by virtue of illness such phantom squall we eclipse understanding. you discern gently. music is sadness. unveiled roaming sky-creeks. so many lines. such squiggly centipedes or days just sitting in space. strict wildfire or sullen depression while we sense life is heavy. what is this this roaring blizzard this cave inside while a child peeks from curtains? (Selah) we know in part our mirror is cloudy our perception afflicted by soot. to account for accessories or to need certain attributes while so somber it feels like loneliness; but one is there merely listening where disaster is richness silence. a palm filled for breakfast a palm filled for dinner while such flux ought to seem exhilarating. there is such pride in essence to dance substance as a community pillar; those zesty feelings where one is subjective peering by objectivity—to feel certain shift to announce it internally while something standard seems apparent; or fantastic imageries in something leaping while in time most hobbies are strenuous. but highs for lows or dirge-smiles where most are concerned with being enlove. our reflexive selves or our ambiguous image where nearby a violinist is chatting with interior ghosts. so much charity so much tar while one didn’t see those screams; a face exits a face, a sky deserves more sky, or Love discloses an unbroken home.     

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...