Saturday, April 4, 2020

Cosmological Shift

I see impressions long into wilderness to live exhausted; the terror of being loved the agony of pure ambition while propelled by mystic phantoms.

Vinegar lines or jigsaw puzzles so anxious to have met.

By candor to insist by methods to resist such cute cuddly kittens.

I have little to refuse or more to refuse while so close to midnight.

If but to court insanity or to maneuver through phones while guts build binoculars.

I see afar this subtle activity to then say: Something is wrong.

Moving to windows such carpet as glass by weather or secerns.

To distinguish between measures while one is furious to imagine an important plebeian.

Or to watch as skies interrogate or truths hurt too much.

If but to fly a little above fate or to become anti-sensitivity; by levels higher so forced to participate where one is pleading for responses; to dislodge one or to religion another while it becomes societal ritual; for we know it offends we know its there while we must pursue some anti-social behavior.

I couldn’t understand, it seemed displaced, while response determines intensity. It will never stop, it distinguishes itself, or it uses one as a release valve; the sheer declaration, indeed, those turns, while maladaptive means something different; born for disposition, even practicing disposition, similar to treating one by similarities; where something must ask, in this land of affairs: Does it come so naturally?

Buddhology becomes Buddhist!

So much into a thought, where anger must be summonsed, for it’s buried deeply; it must exercise it’s not for exorcism where it should speak its language. I must be you in order to friend you while opposites attract seems a bit askew; if one is fluid any stream fits but most, in this arena, are set by direction.

It looks outrageous, it speaks by perceptions—it’s such disparity by its understanding. It knows for it is, it sounds unsung, it stands against clarity, but it is crystal clear.

It knows my crevices, in valleys or caves, while anger ensues because the seal has been broken. Once the image dies those emotions shift while most people feel guilty: internal combat or visceral memories where most intimacies depend upon power structures. Those signals by cosmos or undercurrents in closeness while often we pay for another’s insults.

Perceptual Design

      Upon a flat line or soaring into skies. At least by assertion. And asking for grace, seducing complication, weeping heart mercy.  Love...