Sunday, February 20, 2022

Wheel of The Pining Rose


founded in fantasy—adoring sweet water—ice cubes made of lemonade.


the illusion is beautiful, hurtful, angry at us.


the K-9 keeps gnawing the furniture. it’s a nervous habit.


fawning, loving, angst and anxiety, touching tentatively. I can’t live that way.


one pushes boundaries. most women speak clearly. most artists push passed boundaries.


delusions are faithful. they never retreat. it’s up to the perceiver.


cascading opulence, in fatal attraction, craving agape.


in seducing the seduced, the rootless becomes roots, some medium, while addicted to sex.


let it reign freely—the parts of arcs the hearts in space as agreed to perish with distance.  


would one rescue a shrew? of course, hoping for allegiance.


determined to purpose as anguish—structural chaos—an odd paradox. so fused by wealth—of the command, so close to hating each other. reciting courage mantras, feeling the burn of sages, a silent, namaste. christic biases, tendentious cavalries, a soul reading into western agendas. many as tribal, all ethnicities, so far back before the Vikings. souls merging, pulling back, the felt lost, to appear again. the torture of hating, if repudiated, both suffering because it brings life. another watches, contently inconstant, writing a novel, scribbling a poem—not for publication—rather, to get the juices growing.


I have spawned insecurities, flavored uneasiness, even a claim—we yearn for a little discomfort.


I will not color spiders, and legs, and spectacles.


hyenas or humans, hurt, in search, raging out of hells?


there is a ritual to freedom. we must find it.


no longer a chase—for the perfect entrée, I’d prefer a real to earth, multifaceted creation in time.


pure pandemonium—inside of skin, so paramount to our curse; the sighted pain, outpouring essence—I have thought to why it matters so much.  


suffusion rationality, an effusion of realization, unrectified, the death of the beauty in us.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...