Monday, February 7, 2022

Radars Abroad


the waves are good the surfing. the desert is bleeding religiosity and monks. the sediments are starting to burn, the sun is wailing. summer and autumn, winter and spring, nothing cancels the blossoming.


the existence of the ageless dialogues. to create characters, to make points, to change identities.


the rupture of the pieces, suitable beginnings, established powers.


alas! the singing force, the ravishing spirits, pure racing inside.


something is invincible. the curtain was never pulled back. the veneer is authentic.


the dam was rebuilt, first released, it comes to a new determination.


again with the old prophets. doom and redemption. power, pride, and glory. the agenda is in the anxiety.


the soul, an owl’s dream—


reaching for solace, in a vision, made into new creatures. peering at beads, rereading old memories, seated on time.


much sacrifice, consciousness, the need is in the understanding.


saying more is the feather upon the melody.


sacrifice is forbidden, unless in behavior. reality isn’t revealing. one must dig deeper.

Sonnet IV

    If I was Pablo in a feeling, I would assert love, I would cry fever—one begonia, three dreams.  If I was Neruda in my emotion, I would e...