Monday, April 6, 2020

Please Judge Me

oh, my Love: our line so thin. such passion soars by
souls. I flirt majesty, afraid to pardon love. thus  
angst, a beautiful storm, thus tears, by sigh of love.
oh actress, Flame, pictures tell cries. so invisible.
please judge me, a portrait painted—by marred ink.
but depth, a mirror afar—adrift our past. I’m dying
to affect pain, by affliction. at prayer breeds,
a miracle—gauge our souls, forgive in spirit.
love was auctioned. I wrestle flares, such
imagination. love a phantom, be fair; thus
love by heart. please fret, Love, or storm off
Love—or inform majesty. tear not, oh concrete, Love
our fair fire. to more dying, or hidden sun, by fist of blood.
as every sea, so wet it fevers, as every desert.

What Does Life Picture Itself?

    Life is rhythmic, full of patterns. Life requires measures. Life is often a tad bit uncomfortable, just enough to register on a radar. A...