Saturday, November 16, 2019

Mystic Participation

I casual intensity into reviewing dead-zones while receivers enter in and press buttons; our satellite brains so charged by antennas so listened so peculiar while a countenance sudden a yogic glow; those freezing telepathies or this seer with tents at somewhat an old and ancient practice; such practical mystics our prayer packets or prayer rockets those fireballs; to imagine description as raving in court where the culprit is pointing at the man’s behavior; such social habits entertained during wee hours while one is never alone. Those absolute berries those delicate beliefs where coincidence ruined a man.

I need to rest this feeling, for unsaid emotions are frantic, and, albeit, composed, this interior sky is experiencing thunder. At raided concrete and debating soil while attempting to outwit chemistry. Such tender rebukes such deep alienation but what was said to make us feel this way? Our screams in vassals our vessels blighted at something wretched and wiggling. Those debated dreams this psychanalysis thereinto our richer speculation. While weakness strikes insomuch those pavements to sense liquidity and melting—where agony is gentle or anguish is sweet those signposts such participation.

…but a cryptic fantast, those revelries about us, insomuch, something either behind or ahead of our existence; herewith, this mystic appetite of this rapidity awakening cultic unreality—this unphysical and picturesque magnetism or this dreamscape of activities hither a man lost in spirit; our altered horns our devious honesties at an angel in one unbeknownst; this moon giggling at someone’s perceptions while sunshine is debating raspberries; so torn asunder at gravel and gavel and tribunal—where Jung sits pointing at behaviors as such were induced in private….

…with spatial attraction comes irritation while it’s nice to know one is seeing—hereinto this eternal tremor such fear and darkness so in-there existence is purely chaotic….

What is love to one that has never loved and what are feelings to one that has never felt? To imagine something so sparked by another person while our receptors are clogged and lacking charisma; this essence in souls to possess but a fraction for our minds are ever peeking into other castles; therewith such sweet devastation or one to abuse innocence where everyone is asking: What are those two doing?

I’m un-gripping or un-wrenching so lost to magnitude so unraveled by numen chains—this atmosphere, or theological lockets, at something identified by ancient religious: our attic banshees or those fiery elves whereupon wishes were sewn into bark.

…at laughing rivers reduced to tiny realization so small so humiliated while that horse had to collapse; but if Love held me, would I have lived—so threshed as one deprived? —for this resistance I found home but eyes mean more as a man struggles destiny….    

I’d Save The Reader Years

    The beat becomes sickness. A long crucible—a drilling ecstasy. I was losing focus, feeling forbidden, if to self, if to mirrors. So curs...