Monday, November 30, 2020

Social Silhouette by Geometric Behaviors


so much succumbs its needs, its prowess, its unvetted passion; to die forever as to live one day such light frost upon the leaves. courage would kill him. his death killed his mother. where we might outlive our children. pavement is disastrous or determined while late life mimics its ink. so romantic in thought, while love is required, where to have is to neglect. some wooded area, some organic agenda, or some shed to bury his images. it seems too simple. this agony of humans. the precise alienation. to regather ourselves, in hopes of havens, or to designate a man to fix all woes. our needs for beliefs, our errors in forgiveness, or our dear expectations. to give with mind, to bereft art with bodies, or to resurrect with soul—such bundles of memories, as connecting our watts, as presumed with much credence. by aches in chains or terrors by mirrors to have relived our histories; such a coarse moon or a drastic sun where scathing becomes its baptism. to have loved some creature, in some deep desperation, while feared inside by its conceiving agent; such miracle in a woman or such protection in our vows while most are asking for clarity. a father wept, as condemned as culprit, guilty of putting child before mother. by voiceprint or imprinted codes we identify something we dislike. but one was diligent, angles were memoirs, it was necessary to manifest a scream. it stood in agony. it pled for mercy. it begged to start again. but wilderness spoke, mercy is insufficient, our tales will run into cultural saga. I have said so little. I will be held accountable. we don’t seem to escape our habits. fulsome behaviors as meant for others in a world they seep into. inasmuch as scientists at times shifting to poetry at seconds as it becomes what one needs to gain victory. but her soul her internal government as such sweet epistemology; to have essence into soul while shearing ideograms—those symbols those scarves those masks. to know in one breath, to agonize over realities in some sense obstinance has claimed an entire family. our years seeming jeopardized. our futures by commonsense. where many are damned as examples.      

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...