Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Origin, Point of Departure.


you sing softer or distress serenity inflicting repentance—some static current subtle warm hits as a creature so designed. you are early Whitney or radiance whispering as some chimerical miracle. citrus mandarin or sour lemons as a soul shifts in public. I need something solicited. it dies for notice. but often it lives submerged in art. soothing Hildegard such facts omitted while we need our understanding. little woodchips an iron ink pen some gift for its sentence—a man at a second a child afore Awesome while glowing might find you; some place some voice some medicine. certain vocals, we know it’s certain, where voices are concrete. too much desire soon becomes uneasy while not enough kills space. hurt to claim it so hurt to adore it so wrong to evolve through it; a mask in pink a feeling unique—we have entered something requiring understanding. you are early Dolly such eclectic lungs such candescent gorgeous—to absorb essence to access beauty with so much discomfort. I gave alms to a stranger. I ate lightly. I looked over to see a man in firewater. too much realization too many miles to freedom but kids are eager to rest soon. you stir feelings. you seem raw. you might be sensitive. indeed, I sound some way, as to ignore facts, all humans are sensitive—some just voice it differently. our frontier is surrounded. monkeys raid for fruit. something so gentle is so dangerous. I don’t speak of violence, not here, I speak of mind-matter, I speak to interconnected properties. it’s a little left while craving light, to imagine one kneeling into mental haystacks; so close in me a moment to die in me while I can’t reach it to say it! a woman to laundry. that woman to bench. such a woman presiding over myriads. this is her essence, or have we missed her essence, while too much romance makes us saddened. soft quilts or softer infant fingers while we don’t realize such beauty in our love. you stir anxiety or courage or uneasy certainty. (what we give away, in some chapter written, as what we never uttered; by daisy to welcome us home by begonia to bid us well, or by excellence to suggest one doesn’t fit.)  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...