Wednesday, November 11, 2020

What Must One Give To Receive Notice?

 being black has connotation as its gaze seems defensive where its camera in conditioned. but minds are censored certain skies are colonized while either sink or swim. I met a foreign woman, I was stricken by fever, while often we must reiterate excellence. but fair phantom desired queen where behaviors show glass houses—by portal of riches by needs to have his child while otherwise it was in vain. such bounty for a wealth personality. such indifference for fairly unattractive. while one might endure indelicacies. I have mused often. I would seem incoherent. while most are worshiping celebrities. I can’t drop names, as against names, where one soulwoman has broken deceptions. we tend to reimagine or admire illusion where one has become delusional. such a simple greeting, a simple passing, while we hope by social media. 

if too much color we buff with white paint if too much understanding we reap for ostracism.

I remember seeing in colors. it was quite a manifestation. as to learn about differences.

such patience required such a lifelong obligation where love doesn’t qualify physicality.

those black moons those African Australians or those British Africans. our souls needing purity our welts flailing flesh our essence in blood blueness. so confused to see her. as to want her obligations. while simplicity denotes too many complications.

such aging, stirred, enriching ostracism. such pride in family trees. such flame in loins. where most are gunning against naturality: those fires those feelings those funerals.

so quiet in a decade so given with children or too social for excellence.

we might need admiration, pure celebrity, in a world as coerced to mention ‘others.’      


    The strength to withstand the winds; a spell as it effects/affects some creature. A sudden moment filled with absolute certainty, so wro...