Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Sin Is Unexplained Behavior


complete devastation into pure eyes while becoming our experience—to die with pains to close a room where closets scream: “you must hide, you can’t trust, they need perfection.” so dark into a catapult to sit in silence while razors were rebuked education. such sounds such speaking such sensories. as a man or a flame or a keel or a thrill or to let go of existence: “no one quite fathoms, the sky is burgundy, the sidewalk is deceptive—the room moves the toilet is secure or vomit floods a mountain of crimes.” so lost in penalties so dear to you when life is most terrific—so I take something.     but a discounted life but reasoning authenticity so dreaded when the moods hit. so advertised so vocal where an event is a tragedy—those friends those battles, “I give nothing expecting everything!” so irritated so much tempo such treble to a voice—the black coyote those running hyenas while one laughed after cracking a solitary joke. those deep blue bars those shut doors where most tolerate according to making sensations.

so steep such need if but to envelope niceness; as addictive lights or violent chimes where no one is more concerned. by drugs or liquor but something must give!

I struck a match as to spark a cigarette while Love was speaking Swahili. traffic was laced most were out where many raced like thieves. the temple was blazing the fire reached us suddenly into an incantation. such chills while feelings are decaf or emotions are water-based. such mud clogging pipes as in sensitive ears. the last to know the first to reply while most fret insanity.     

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...