Sunday, November 29, 2020

Bifocal Sociality


interviewed for classification. it was decided. this one is inner regions. by age or dirge such edifice in displeasure.

            I watched a miracle. I saw her past. I became its shadow. I threaded whispers, subdued ghosts, or became leniency for a petal.

            mathematical coordination. ebony blight. ivory mimicry.

            I need more to say simply those wars we wreak; by anxiety so deep to clutch intestines so sped into delirium. by tug of an ant where it becomes a lion as an elephant might roar. but outstanding lovemaking or ancient characteristics by some aesthetic genius. soft avocado by rich onion, plus, a tomato. our social guacamole our souls unthreatened so sure into some essential need.

            it meant so much. or so much has been lost. where it isn’t all-consuming. to encompass a garden to plant a tree to watch thirty-five years of its growth. or as life to grow in pangs to etch survival with one there like interiority. I haven’t said much, upon a petal, where everything relied on one belief.

            by paradise such a person while it depends on brain activity. to reward for gentility to crave aggression so morose otherwise. seashores are whining seahorses are groaning such par excellence. a mask so public a touch too intimate or a mistake so sacred. inner jambs inner doorknobs or silver skies.

            I have an issue. I wonder if we all do. where first glance is beauty—but interaction disenchants its initial thought. many catbirds. many reasons. while it isn’t always interpretation. as perception is paramount or analyses are a notebook. so much a kitten in an ocelot’s world, or better, those fierce canine bifocals.        

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...